Protein Hydrolysate Soln.| Perfectose Liquid | Perfectose S | Perfectose GT  
Pronto |Procecap |  Prichemin |  Prichemin Mix |  Mineral Glycinates  
  Prichemin | Liquid Chelates | Prichemin 10% | Prichemin 15% | Prichemin 20%  
  Prichemin - Mineral Chelates of Amino Acids Hydrate | Prichemin Mixture | Prichemin Liquid  
Minerals play an important role in regular dietary requirements of animal feed and are essential for growth, reproduction and milk production. Essential minerals are destroyed during the digestion process due to interactions with other components of feed.

Use of Organic Trace Minerals in the feed is the optimal way to ensure protection and absorption of minerals through the intestinal walls into the blood stream and reaching various organs to perform various physiological functions without interruption.
Certificates To meet these requirements Priya Chemicals has developed PRICHEMIN (Chelated Minerals of Amino Acids), with patented technology meeting standards of EU and AAFCO. PRICHEMIN is prime in quality and absorption and is absorbed faster than ordinary salts of minerals. This chelate also meets Amino Acids requirement in the diet.
Trace Elements : Triggering important performance function
Eventhough the daily requirement of trace elements is expressed in milligrams and micrograms , they play a vital role
in various body functions like synthesis of Metalloenzymes, enzyme cofactors, Hormone production etc.
Role of Trace Elements for Growth , Health and Reproduction.
Trace Elements Prichemin
Chelated Minerals
Chel means CLAW in Greek. The Mineral needs a support to CLAW itself. This support is provided by Amino Acids and this organic support is called LIGAND in chemistry. Amino Acids have a very low molecular weight and can be absorbed easily through the walls of the intestine and hence are most preferred ligands for chelation.
It is proved by studies that Amino Acids are ideal Organic Carrier (ligands) for Minerals. The Chelated complex of Minerals with Amino Acids is very stable and has high bioavailability.
To meet the requirement of dietary needs of minerals , common practice is to use Inorganic Minerals in the animal feed. However, the stability of the premix, Dioxin level and environmental rules have put restrictions on such uses. Concentration and source of trace elements are important consideration for formulating a diet.
It is observed that trace elements in Sulphate form have better bioavailability than Oxides.
Bioavilability is not a static parameter and it not only depends on the chemical and structural difference of Inorganic Bond of the trace mineral but also on the breed, age, performance , health status of the animal and on antagonistic effects within the ration (e.g. mycotoxin, crude fiber, Phytic Acid and Negative interaction between different trace and macro elements.)
The interaction of physiological, inner and outer factors are a severe handicap within the absorption process of inorganic trace minerals. High amount of Inorganic elements in the feed which are not bonded or CLAWED to a carrier (ligand) leave the body without absorption as excreta.
PRICHEMIN derived from Soya Protein (NON GMO) is the only chelate which meets all requirements of EU and AAFCO in terms of Molecular Weight of less than 800 Daltons and Dioxin Content level of less than
1 NANOGRAM per Kg (Sum of 17 congeners of Dioxin is less than 1 NANOGRAM per Kg).
prichemin animation
Organic Trace Minerals For Maximum Performance
Within Modern Farming Methods Organic Trace Minerals like PRICHEMIN is more economical to use.The performance of PRICHEMIN is better with high producing or stressed animals to meet dietary and environmental mineral requirement which are not effectively met by Inorganic Minerals.
Organic Trace Minerals (EU Requirements)
Organic Trace Minerals of Amino Acids are registered feed additives (EC No 1334/2003). consisting of not more than 3 moles of Amino Acids derived from Soya Protein and Mol. weight not to exceed 1500 Daltons.
By this definition EU follows the hypothesis that small chelates have high bioavailability.
Results in Dairy Cows
Dairy Cow
Priya Chemicals being the largest manufacturer of Hydrolysed Proteins by Enzymic Hydrolysis in ASIA, has the perfect technology to produce Amino Acids needed for manufacture of PRICHEMIN.

All other manufacturers in the world buy Amino Acids from other sources.

PRICHEMIN means Prime Chelated Minerals
PRICHEMIN means Chelated Minerals from Primary (Basic) manufacturer of Amino Acids.
PRICHEMIN means Pride of Chelated Minerals
PRICHEMIN means Perfect Quality Chelated Minerals for Feed Production.
PRICHEMIN is available as Copper, Iron, Manganese, Zinc in concentration of 10, 15 and 20 percent Mineral Content.
Packing Main Applications
Prichemin Packaging
25 Kg PE Lined Multilayerd Paper Bags
Fe Mainly Piglets, Sows and Calves Performance, Iron Status , Skin Colour
and Immunity
Cu All Animal Categories Fertility, Semen Quality, Offspring development, Immune response
Zn All Animal Categories Growth Performance, Milk Quality, Fertility,
Skeletal, hoof and feather development,
Eggshell Quality, Semen Quality.
Mn Mainly Poultry, Cattle and Aquaculture Fertility, Skeletal development, Eggshell Quality.
  Prichemin | Liquid Chelates | Prichemin 10% | Prichemin 15% | Prichemin 20%  
  Prichemin - Mineral Chelates of Amino Acids Hydrate | Prichemin Mixture | Prichemin Liquid